About Us
We make your life easier wherever we can
Our Non-profit 501C3 organization serving the greater community. We provide needed families with our merchandise and furniture. We are dedicated to helping underprivileged families with items needed to live happy lives. We bring dignity to families across south Florida. South Florida. By shopping in our store or donating preloved items you are assisting us in our important mission.
— Miami-Dade
— Broward
— Palm Beach

Whatever you purchase, we'll be happy to offer you great delivery service for a reasonable price.
FREE Furniture Pickup
If you have a large quantity of items to donate and would need pick up, please contact us at 954.226.8864.
FREE Clothing Pickup
If you have a closet full of clothes you don’t wear anymore or furniture you might want to change out. We would love for you to consider donating them to Family Thrift . We will make sure they find a good home. We can give a tax receipt for your kind donation.
Buy out
If you have quality items and are interested in selling them at a discount, please contact us to set up an appointment to come view and assess,so we can get an idea of the type of condition and quality of the merchandise.
All donations can be brought directly to the store. Clothing can be brought through the front door and all furniture will be accepted on the side or back loading area. We can give a tax receipt for your kind donation.